In order to maintain a safe and fun environment, guests agree by entering the drive-in to abide by our rules of conduct stated below and to answer all inquires of management. Furthermore, it is understood that guests who fail to comply with any of those conditions, at the discretion of management, forfeit their right to legally remain on the premises, and will be considered a trespasser.

Switching screens is prohibited.
Retain your tickets. Do not discard stubs.
All outside food and beverages are now prohibited.
Violators will leave without a refund.
Speed limit is 5 MPH.  Violators will leave without a refund.
There is no re-entry. Once you leave you will not be re-admitted with or without a ticket stub.
Please refrain from using headlamps when entering or exiting the theatre.
All trucks, SUV's and vans must tie their hatches down and park to the rear of the theatre. 
If anyone or anything interferes with your families enjoyment, please report it to the snack bar or ticket booth.
Please apply your parking brake.
Users of laser pointers will be ejected.
Shoes are required on theatre property.
Patrons with hatchbacks need to bring something to tie your hatches down to the roof level of you vehicle. Please assist us with making the drive-in experience wonderful for all patrons. Your cooperation in greatly appreciated.
Dogs must remain on a leash on drive-in property. You are liable for your pet’s actions.
Our show starting times are approximate. It does not get dark at the same rate every day. Also we do show merchant advertisements and previews before the main feature begins.
We recommend that you arrive at least an hour early on Friday and Saturday nights.
Keep your eyes on your children. Please make sure that your children are in sight and that they do not interfere with another patron’s movie viewing.
Please bring a bag for you garbage, and deposit it into the containers located on all four sides of our concession stand.
No open flames or fireworks. Not even on the 4th of July.


© Copyright 2003-2025 Lipuma Theatres